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- ...a. In 1797, Ricketts also established the first Canadian circus, in Montréal. His only competition in America, the British equestrian [[Philip Lailson]] ...World's largest cities: New York, Philadelphia, Montréal, Mexico City, et al. Although buildings would remain the choice setting for circus performances32 KB (4,908 words) - 22:56, 14 October 2023
- ...The Canestrellis had been sent to another Ringling-owned show, the [[Al G. Barnes Circus]], and Kunchy was now on his own, with Filomena in Indian sari as hi After a last appearance in the United States in February 1935 with the Al Sirat Grotto Circus in Cleveland, Ohio (a Shrine circus), Kunchy and Filome18 KB (2,957 words) - 23:46, 11 July 2024