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From Circopedia

  • ...Hamburg, who had taken it for a trade when the old [[The Blumenfeld Family|Blumenfeld]] circus family went into financial hardship. ...der (Sandor) Könyöt, of the famous equestrian family allied to the great Blumenfeld and [[Goldkette Family|Goldkette]] Jewish circus dynasties, was listed in t
    38 KB (6,425 words) - 18:33, 31 July 2016
  •, and a famous pioneer of modern magic and phantasmagoria. In any event, Alexander, after having performed as a traveling magician (as Philidor), had switched Carl Krone eventually married Alexander's daughter Friederike, and the young couple began an independent life of ad
    80 KB (12,646 words) - 21:49, 26 November 2024