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- ...cult in Nazi Germany. Yet whereas circus luminaries such as [[Circus Krone|Carl Krone]], [[Circus Sarrasani|Hans Stoch-Sarrasani, Jr.]], and Paula Busch, l ...the talented [[Fred Petoletti]], the son of the great horse trainer [[Carl Petoletti]] of [[Circus Sarrasani]] fame.34 KB (5,271 words) - 18:34, 17 September 2020
- ...the history of modern circus. His achievements influenced rivals such as [[Carl Krone]], colleagues and admirers such as [[Jérôme Medrano]] and [[John Ri ...giant circuses were fighting fiercely for territory. It was costly, and [[Carl Krone]] and Hans Stosch-Sarrasani eventually met and agreed to coordinate t71 KB (11,113 words) - 17:15, 17 April 2024