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There is a page named "Gunther Gebel-Williams" on this wiki. See also the other search results found.
Page title matches
- Gunther Gebel-Williams, tiger and elephants act, at the Spanischer National Circus ([[Circus Willi * Biography: [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]]238 B (25 words) - 20:48, 17 March 2020
- From 1968 to 2001, Gunther Gebel-Williams was, in the United States, the most celebrated circus performer of his gene ...fe when he returned home after a round of the local bars. Needless to say, Gunther's early childhood was far from happy, and the advent of World War II would22 KB (3,542 words) - 05:13, 8 September 2020
- Gunther Gebel-Williams, elephant act, with Circus Williams's elephants in the long-running French * Biography: [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]]385 B (48 words) - 00:43, 10 August 2013
- Gunther Gebel-Williams, tiger and elephants act (with the tiger ''Bengali'', the African elephant * Biography: [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]]412 B (51 words) - 20:47, 8 December 2015
Page text matches
- Gunther Gebel-Williams, tiger and elephants act, at the Spanischer National Circus ([[Circus Willi * Biography: [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]]238 B (25 words) - 20:48, 17 March 2020
- #REDIRECT [[Gunther Gebel-Williams Video (1963)]]49 B (4 words) - 01:57, 5 November 2008
- ...years with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, succeeding the legendary [[Gunther Gebel Williams]] as the star of ''The Greatest Show On Earth'', and, most i15 KB (2,452 words) - 20:27, 5 August 2023
- From 1968 to 2001, Gunther Gebel-Williams was, in the United States, the most celebrated circus performer of his gene ...fe when he returned home after a round of the local bars. Needless to say, Gunther's early childhood was far from happy, and the advent of World War II would22 KB (3,542 words) - 05:13, 8 September 2020
- ...followed a path comparable to his (and would continue to do so), [[Gunther Gebel-Williams|Günther Gebel]]. It is also at Circus Williams that Baumann would change h of ''The Greatest Show On Earth'' whose star performer would be Gunther Gebel-Williams. Charly remained with the first unit (the two trainers never worked their a16 KB (2,654 words) - 19:41, 21 February 2024
- ...liams’s animals and horses, presented by its in-house trainer, [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]], along with his wife, [[Jeanette Williams]], the show had a Spanish cast ...f the most successful circuses in Europe. It also helped establish Gunther Gebel-Williams as a major circus personality in Europe.23 KB (3,505 words) - 19:54, 8 February 2024
- Gunther Gebel-Williams, elephant act, with Circus Williams's elephants in the long-running French * Biography: [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]]385 B (48 words) - 00:43, 10 August 2013
- ...of the second half of the twentieth century: [[Charly Baumann]], [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]], and [[Gerd Siemoneit]]. ...his new condition. In time, the generous-hearted Williamses would consider Gunther as their own son.34 KB (5,271 words) - 17:34, 17 September 2020
- ...e, Gilbert had the star position, appearing just before intermission after Gunther, whose amazing act was nonetheless the curtain opener!47 KB (7,767 words) - 21:06, 30 January 2025
- in 1961. It is there, too, that an awestruck [[Gunther Gebel-Williams|Gunther Gebel]] fell in love with her (unfortunately for him, the feeling was not r5 KB (810 words) - 22:54, 4 May 2018
- ...dy owned, Tommy and Struppi built a new act in the style of what [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]] had done with his tiger riding an elephant, and which he performed with t16 KB (2,571 words) - 21:08, 4 February 2025
- Jeanette Williams and Gunther Gebel-Williams, liberty act, with Circus Williams's group of 24 Lipizzan horses trained by * Biographies: [[Jeanette Williams]], [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]]515 B (66 words) - 17:36, 14 September 2015
- ...German [[Circus Williams]]—albeit without its young star, [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]]: His group of 11 elephants was much too large for Medrano’s cramped qua142 KB (23,340 words) - 20:24, 30 January 2025
- Gunther Gebel-Williams, tiger and elephants act (with the tiger ''Bengali'', the African elephant * Biography: [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]]412 B (51 words) - 20:47, 8 December 2015
- ...ephant—a spectacular trick that predated similar stunts by [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]] and the [[The Richter Dynasty|Richters]]. ...was the Russian equivalentz of the German-American star-trainer [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]]. Then, in 1991, one year after Aleksei and Taisiya had taken over the fam20 KB (3,115 words) - 02:15, 22 May 2020
- ...ste aux Étoiles]]'', filmed at the [[Cirque d'Hiver]] in Paris ([[Gunther Gebel-Williams]] can be seen at the ring entrance, in white tuxedo jacket) (1965) —415 B (59 words) - 21:35, 24 January 2019
-; This model would strongly inspire the later presentations of [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]] and [[The Togni Family|Willy Togni]] (and then his nephew Flavio). [[File38 KB (5,936 words) - 20:58, 31 January 2024
- '''Gunther Gebel-Williams''' (animal trainer),10 KB (1,302 words) - 19:13, 5 November 2024
- ...allemand [[Circus Williams|Williams]] , mais sans sa jeune star, [[Gunther Gebel-Williams]]—son groupe de 11 éléphants étant beaucoup trop important pour le157 KB (26,221 words) - 20:27, 30 January 2025