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From Circopedia

  • ...and Eduardo also had a half-brother, William). When and for which purpose Henry and Victorine immigrated to Mexico is not known. ...nd Charles Clarke had secured the triple in 1910, while working with the [[Ringling Bros. Circus]]; but although they attempted it regularly in performance, th
    28 KB (4,578 words) - 23:20, 19 November 2022
  • ...c American circus posters (with the notable use of the attractive faces of Ringling’s iconic clowns [[Paul Jung]] and [[Lou Jacobs]])—developing a styl ...r Samuel Bronston, who rented Circo Price for the filming of a sequence of Henry Hathaway’s movie, ''Circus World'', starring John Wayne, Rita Hayworth an
    23 KB (3,505 words) - 19:54, 8 February 2024
  • [[File:Ringling_Program_Cover_1940.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus on tour (1940)]]In 1825, [[Joshuah Purdy B ...ailey, which they combined with their own circus in 1919 under the title [[Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey]] Combined Shows.
    32 KB (4,908 words) - 21:56, 14 October 2023
  • Carola Althoff was born on December 1, 1903 in Bad Sassendorf, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Her father, [[The Althoff Dynasty|Dominik Althof ...a talented cat trainer and, like Gunther, a center-ring attraction with [[Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey]] Circus in the United States. Baumann found his
    34 KB (5,271 words) - 17:34, 17 September 2020
  • ...od. Together, Jeanne and Louis Fernando already had a son, Gabriel Eugène Henry Beert, born September 24, 1875, who had a lackluster career as an acrobat, ...and his sons [[Cyril Mills|Cyril and Bernard]] in England, [[John Ringling North]] in the United States, and before them, [[Hans Stosch-Sarrasani|Hans Stosc
    142 KB (23,340 words) - 20:24, 30 January 2025
  • ...a sealion trainer. (Their son, Adolf Frohn, Jr. (1904-1955), joined the [[Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey]] Circus in 1945 before settling in Marineland, F Traveling by rail, the circus then moved North, and then left Germany to visit Copenhagen in Denmark. Like most of the oth
    80 KB (12,646 words) - 20:49, 26 November 2024
  • ...rpers. Franz Althoff was born in Hülchrath, a district of Grevenbroich in North Rhine-Whestphalia, Germany, on February 15, 1908. He was the fourth son of ...apra, who halfway into the shooting passed the final directorial credit to Henry Hathaway. ''Circus World'' was to feature three major movie stars: John Way
    38 KB (5,936 words) - 20:58, 31 January 2024
  • ...liner, who was twenty when she gave birth to Vander; she lost her husband, Henry Broadway, the following year: Vander, who was barely one year old at the ti More significant are Henry Thétard's remarks in his seminal book ''La Merveilleuse Histoire du Cirque
    38 KB (6,286 words) - 18:58, 15 May 2024
  • ...home to a significant number of circuses and circus performers since [[The Ringling Brothers|John and Charles Ringing]] moved their winter quarters there in 19 ...hoto of the Inductees (2022)|400px|left]]Sarasota was the winter home of [[Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey]] Circus, as well as home to several other circuses
    10 KB (1,302 words) - 19:13, 5 November 2024
  • ...Louis Fernando avaient déjà un fils conçu hors mariage, Gabriel Eugène Henry Beert, né le 24 septembre 1875, qui mena une carrière d'acrobate peu bril fils, [[Cyril Mills|Cyril et Bernard]] en Angleterre, [[John Ringling North]] aux États-Unis et, avant eux, [[Circus Sarrasani|Hans Stosch]] en Allema
    157 KB (26,221 words) - 20:27, 30 January 2025