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There is a page named "May Wirth" on this wiki. See also the other search results found.
Page title matches
- ...Martin (1868-1948), an equestrienne and a sister of the [[The Wirth Family|Wirth brothers]], proprietors of one of Australia’s largest circuses. ...e the most ''adroit'' of circus performers, bareback riders in particular, May was short but strong. She grew to be only 150 centimetres tall (about five9 KB (1,571 words) - 19:00, 11 June 2024
- May Wirth, bareback rider, video clips (1924) * Biography: [[May Wirth]]162 B (19 words) - 18:52, 15 June 2017
Page text matches
- ...pearance in Australia, performing for three seasons (1913-1915) with the [[Wirth Circus]], in an act that was composed of Alfredo and Lalo, and Ruth Farris ...e bill with another Ringling star act, the incomparable equestrienne [[May Wirth]] (whom Alfredo and Lalo had known in Australia), as well as with the great28 KB (4,578 words) - 23:20, 19 November 2022
- ...e of François Scholz, which sounded more French). On the opening matinee, May 17, 1937, Fritz had the thrill of experiencing his first standing ovation. ..., twenty employees (among whom Fritz Schulz, [[Joseph Walsh]], Harry and [[May Kovar]], [[Damoo Dhotre]], [[Otto Suskov]], and Court’s nephew, William S12 KB (1,985 words) - 22:25, 8 May 2018
- ..., born on February 27, 1902, and [[Bernard Mills|Bernard Notley]], born on May 10, 1905. During the First World War, Bertram Mills served his country in t ...and [[The Knie Dynasty|Fredy Knie]]; the equestrians [[May Wirth]] and the Wirth family; [[Mabel Stark]] with her "parachute horse," ''Jupiter''; [[The Hann23 KB (3,794 words) - 18:11, 31 December 2020
- ...Martin (1868-1948), an equestrienne and a sister of the [[The Wirth Family|Wirth brothers]], proprietors of one of Australia’s largest circuses. ...e the most ''adroit'' of circus performers, bareback riders in particular, May was short but strong. She grew to be only 150 centimetres tall (about five9 KB (1,571 words) - 19:00, 11 June 2024
- File:Mills_May_Wirth.jpeg|Poster featuring May Wirth (1926)5 KB (745 words) - 22:37, 12 March 2025
- They may also have visited, in their childhood and adolescence, the [[Hippodrome de What brought Marthe and Juliette so close together may have been the untimely death of their father, in 1895, when Marthe was sixt11 KB (1,620 words) - 06:50, 28 December 2024
- May Wirth, bareback rider, video clips (1924) * Biography: [[May Wirth]]162 B (19 words) - 18:52, 15 June 2017
- '''May Wirth''' (equestrienne),10 KB (1,302 words) - 19:13, 5 November 2024