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- '''Golden Circus''' (Liana Orfei) [] Circo '''Greca Orfei''' []38 KB (4,817 words) - 22:33, 24 November 2024
- ...|350px|left|thumb|Moira Orfei and her elephants]]Moira Orfei (born Miranda Orfei, 1931-2015) was an Italian pop-culture icon. A member of Italy's most famou The daughter of [[The Orfei Dynasty|Riccardo Orfei]] and Violetta Arata, she was born in the family's living trailer on Decemb9 KB (1,324 words) - 01:05, 5 July 2023
- Walter Nones was able to build with his wife, [[Moira Orfei]], a legend that went well beyond their circus—a circus that was cert ...60 film ''Il Mattatore'' (starring Vittorio Gassman), shot under [[Orlando Orfei]]’s big top on April 22, 1959, gave the Trio Nones the opportunity to acc22 KB (3,473 words) - 00:55, 5 July 2023