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From Circopedia

  • ...d transported to the next—or simply sold at wood value at the end of the run. ...e, and they quickly prevailed: From roughly 1870 to 1930, they made circus the most popular performing art in America.
    16 KB (2,346 words) - 19:35, 1 March 2021
  • ...tance against an autocratic Tsar and his government had helped bring about the Soviet revolution. ...ot Vladimir, whose anti-establishment virulence got him into trouble under the Tsarist regime.
    14 KB (2,157 words) - 21:54, 10 June 2024
  • ...acetrack; the only common denominator between Roman and modern circuses is the word itself, ''circus'', which means in Latin as in English, "circle". ===Philip Astley: The Father Of The Modern Circus===
    32 KB (4,908 words) - 22:56, 14 October 2023
  • ...ecialists, but they also have been among the world’s very best—and the productions of their magnificent acts remain unequaled. ...latov (1873-1956)—the father of the legendary Russian bear trainer [[The Filatov Familt|Valentin Filatov]], and scion of an old family of itinerant
    20 KB (3,115 words) - 03:15, 22 May 2020