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From Circopedia

  • ...ies of performances on his way back from Boston to Philadelphia (where his main circus building is located). ..., 1830: Reopens as ''Blanchard's Amphitheater'', with the circus troupe of William Blanchard, seen previously at the Lafayette and Mount Pitt circuses (see ab
    16 KB (2,346 words) - 18:35, 1 March 2021
  • In 1932, Fritz accepted a similar job with Sarrasani’s main competitor, the three-ring [[Circus Krone]]—but there, he had to prep ...nd [[May Kovar]], [[Damoo Dhotre]], [[Otto Suskov]], and Court’s nephew, William Storey), and all his equipment in Liverpool aboard the ''West-Chatala'', wh
    12 KB (1,985 words) - 22:25, 8 May 2018
  • ...i went to work in London at [[Astley’s]], then under the direction of [[William Batty]]. It was there that Chiarini’s career began to take a different d He had taken with him the main elements of his company (including Katie Holloway, Berien, and Teodora), an
    33 KB (5,309 words) - 22:43, 5 July 2024
  • ...n any British tenting circus. The big top had also two sets of king poles (main masts) and stakes, so that one set could be erected before the arrival of t ...he fire; it was alight, and in seconds, the fire caught the walling of the main tent and quickly destroyed it. Carmo, resting at his home following the tra
    38 KB (6,425 words) - 17:33, 31 July 2016
  • ...te und Geschichten im die größte Circusdynastie der Welt'' (Frankfurt am Main, Umschau Verlag Breidenstein GmbH, 1991) – ISBN 3-524-69096-3 * Gunther Gebel-Williams and Toni Reinhold, ''Untamed'' (New York, William Morrow & Co, 1991) - ISBN 0688086454
    34 KB (5,271 words) - 17:34, 17 September 2020
  • ...ence loved it, and from that day on, juggling became the Hauck siblings’ main act. They still continued performing their acrobatic act however, which was In 1954, The Three Houcs were introduced to an agent of the William Morris Agency, who brought them to the United States for the first time. Th
    18 KB (3,152 words) - 21:27, 1 November 2015
  • ...sence of four equestrians reveal that horsemanship was the performance’s main fare—not surprisingly, since the age of equestrian circus was still i By the end of November, the circus's main infrastructure was completed; the new Cirque Fernando opened its doors seve
    142 KB (23,340 words) - 20:24, 30 January 2025
  • ...que’s star clown. The water basin, which had proved to be the circus’s main attraction, welcomed the dives and evolutions of a professional naiad, Agne ...é concert," most probably with his wife’s help: She was the Alcazar’s main drawing card. Nicknamed "La diva du caf’ conc’," Thérésa became Franc
    131 KB (21,519 words) - 21:17, 25 December 2024
  • ...This lack of a father may be the reason why—along with the fact that William was afflicted with achondroplasia (dwarfism)—his mother chose to aban ...en]] ("circus building") of Copenhagen. After the Schumanns' demise, their main competition, [[Cirkus Benneweis]], succeeded them at the Cirkusbygningen wh
    12 KB (1,886 words) - 19:59, 15 June 2023
  • ...e chiens [[Jules Bugny]], l'écuyère Jenny Visser et les clowns Vallier & William faisaient partie du spectacle inaugural, aux côtés des fidèles Gillardon ...32)]]Comme la majorité de leurs collègues, les Fratellini n'aimaient pas William Parish, propriétaire du Circo Parish de Madrid (l'ancien [[Circo Price]]),
    157 KB (26,221 words) - 20:27, 30 January 2025
  • ...dans lequel les sept jongleurs se passaient tout ce qu'ils avaient sous la main, des assiettes aux meubles de restaurant. Enfin, le 17 mars, Houcke reprit
    144 KB (23,685 words) - 21:05, 16 January 2025