The Zapashny Dynasty
From Circopedia
(Redirected from Walter Zapashny)
Acrobats, Aerialists, Animal Trainers
- Video: Walter Zapashny, mixed cage act, at the "Old Circus" in Moscow (1964)
- Video: Mstislav & Dolores Zapashny, tiger and elephant attraction at Stochi's State Circus (1980)
- Video: Mstislav Zapashny, tigers & elephants attraction, at the Gran Premio del Circo in Genova (1994)
- Video: Irina Zapashnaya, sea lion act, at Circus Nikulin in Moscow (2000)
- Video: Mstislav Zapashny, Jr., Triumph of the XXIst Century, tiger attraction(Russian) A circus act that can occupy up to the entire second half of a circus performance., at the International Circus Arts Festival of Moscow (2005)
- Video: Askold & Edgard Zapashny, cage act, at the Festival of Circus Arts in Moscow (2011)
- Video: Askold & Edgard Zapashny's Juggling Troupe at the Festival Città di Latina (2013)
- Video: Ekaterina Zapashnaya, dog act, at the Bolshoi Circus in Moscow (2014)
- Video: Askold & Edgard Zapashny, cage act, at the International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo (2017)
- Video: Dan Zapashny, chimpanzee act, at Circus Nikulin in Moscow (2018)
- Video: Askold & Edgard Zapashny, tigers and lions act, at the Bolshoi Circus in Moscow (2018)
- Video: Ekaterina Zapashnaya & Konstantin Rastegaev, strap act, at the Festival Internacional del Circ in Girona (2020)