
From Circopedia

Revision as of 23:50, 29 October 2008 by Cforcey (Talk | contribs)

About Us:

The Big Apple Circus ( began the development of the project in 2007, with inspiration, guidance and leadership support from the Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation ( The idea was to use the Internet to help the public better understand and appreciate circus as a global artistic and cultural phenomenon, embracing both the populist nature of the circus and the democratic technology of an interactive web archive.

Dominique Jando and Charles Forcey have guided Circopedia from its inception, with administrative oversight and support provided by the Big Apple Circus staff. An internationally renowned circus historian, and former Associate Artistic Director of the Big Apple Circus, Jando has served as Curator and editor-in-chief for the project, with creative responsibility for all content. Forcey has provided a strong complement to these efforts, as Technical Producer and Information Architect, through his firm Historicus, Inc (

With its official launch in October 2008, this project has enabled the Big Apple Circus to build upon decades of leadership in the preservation of the classical circus by creating an ongoing historical archive of the art form and its development, highlighting its most important acts and major eras.

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Mailing Address:

505 Eighth Avenue, 19th Floor

New York, NY 10018