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22:14, 1 March 2015 Circus Gleich Pole Setup.jpg (file) 476 KB Circus Gleich's setup in Vienna's Prater 1
20:38, 1 March 2015 Gleich Postcard.jpg (file) 443 KB Promotional postcard for Circus Gleich (c.1929) — ''Private Collection'' 1
20:19, 1 March 2015 Alice Danner.jpg (file) 599 KB   1
19:01, 1 March 2015 Circus Gleich Clowns.jpg (file) 677 KB A clown farandole on Circus Gleich's backlot—the Babusios among them (1932) 1
00:36, 1 March 2015 Circus Gleich Big Top.jpg (file) 255 KB Inside Circus Gleich's big top (c.1930) — ''Photo X'' 1
00:22, 1 March 2015 Circus Gymnasticus (c1810).jpeg (file) 245 KB The Circus Gymnasticus in Vienna (c.1810) — ''Document:'' 1
00:07, 1 March 2015 Wien Prater.jpg (file) 924 KB   1
20:24, 27 February 2015 Maria and Josef Wolf.jpg (file) 421 KB The Wolf Family, free ladder act, at Circus Busch-Roland 1
20:15, 27 February 2015 Maria and Josef Wolf (2002).jpg (file) 534 KB Maria and Josef Wolf, free ladder act, at Circus Busch-Roland (2002) 1
20:01, 27 February 2015 Josef and Maria Wolf.jpg (file) 403 KB The Wolf Family (Josef, Jr. and Maria on the ladder, Josef, Sr. spotting), at Circus Busch-Roland (2002) 1
19:51, 27 February 2015 Wolf Family.jpg (file) 513 KB   1
19:42, 27 February 2015 Wolf Family Ladder Act.jpg (file) 488 KB The Wolf Family, ladder act, at Circus Busch-Roland (2002) 1
21:14, 24 February 2015 Kludsky Broadside.jpg (file) 149 KB Broadside advertising Karel Kludsky's first tigron (the cub of a tiger and a lioness), a breading event only achieved "some years ago" by the Hegenbeck firm of Hamburg, says the ad (1902) 1
00:50, 24 February 2015 Gleich Train Unloading.jpg (file) 390 KB The unloading of Circus Gleich's train (c.1925) 1
00:36, 24 February 2015 Gleich Setup.jpg (file) 534 KB Circus Gleich setup on Vienna's Prater; the Tent Master presides over the operations (1932) 1
21:55, 23 February 2015 Miss Mara Publicity.jpg (file) 692 KB Miss Mara, publicity shot (c.1955) — ''Photo X'' 1
21:52, 23 February 2015 Mara - One Arm.jpg (file) 463 KB Miss Mara in a show of strength (c.1965) — ''Photo X'' 1
20:51, 23 February 2015 Maria Wolf LSC.jpg (file) 277 KB Maria Wolf in Lone Star Circus production of ''Oh Là Là!'' (2014) 1
20:47, 23 February 2015 Maria Wolf - Las Vegas Strip (2014).jpeg (file) 303 KB Maria Wolf on the Las Vegas Strip (2014) 1
20:41, 23 February 2015 Maria Wolf Full Length.jpg (file) 326 KB Maria Wolf in cowgirl costume (2014) 1
20:37, 23 February 2015 Maria Wolf Portrait.jpg (file) 299 KB Maria Wolf, diabolo juggler (2014) 1
20:31, 23 February 2015 Maria Wolf.jpg (file) 286 KB   1
18:28, 22 February 2015 Miss Mara Swinging.jpg (file) 268 KB Miss Mara in swinging heel catch (c.1965) 1
02:12, 22 February 2015 Miss Mara Entrance.jpg (file) 210 KB Miss Mara in full regalia (c.1970) 1
19:12, 21 February 2015 Miss Marra flexing Muscles.jpg (file) 248 KB Miss Mara flexing her muscles (c.1955) 1
18:58, 21 February 2015 Miss Mara Heel Catch.jpg (file) 269 KB Mis Marra in heel-catch position (C.1960) — ''Document: Dominique Jando Archive'' 1
20:10, 20 February 2015 Bertram Mills.jpg (file) 436 KB   1
18:42, 20 February 2015 Roland Butler Poster.jpeg (file) 464 KB Poster for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus designed by Roland Butler (c.1940) 1
00:33, 20 February 2015 Karel Kludsky Exotic Act (1910).jpeg (file) 807 KB Karel Kludsky, Sr. with his mixed group of elephants and zebras (1910) 1
21:13, 18 February 2015 Karel and Rudolf Kludsky (1933).jpeg (file) 544 KB Karel and Rudolf Kludsky (1933) 1
20:11, 18 February 2015 Karel Kludsky in Vinarice.jpg (file) 717 KB   1
19:58, 18 February 2015 Jindrich Kludsky.jpg (file) 423 KB Jindřich Kludský (1892-1914), in jockey outfit (c.1912) 1
19:17, 18 February 2015 Antonin Kludsky.jpg (file) 1.11 MB Antonin Kludsky 1
18:32, 18 February 2015 Circus Nikitin in Moscow.jpg (file) 587 KB Circus Nikitin in Moscow 1
00:45, 15 February 2015 BAC Poster (2014).jpeg (file) 761 KB Poster for the Big Apple Circus production of ''Metamorphosis'' designed by Sasha Mors 1
21:41, 13 February 2015 Giovanni and irene Anastasini (2014).jpg (file) 1.1 MB Giovanni Anastasini & Irene España, aerial rotating cradle, in the Big Apple Circus production of ''Metamorphosis'' (2014) 1
20:52, 13 February 2015 Anastasini Space Rocket (2014).jpeg (file) 1.5 MB Giovanni Anastasini & Irene España, rotating aerial cradle, in the Big Apple Circus production of ''Metamorphosis'' (2014) 1
18:13, 13 February 2015 Jenny Vidbel Mixed Liberty (2014).jpeg (file) 489 KB Jenny Videbel, mixed-animals liberty act, in the Big Apple Circus production of ''Metamorphosis'' (2014) 1
17:33, 13 February 2015 Aniskin Troupe (2014).jpg (file) 1.23 MB The Aniskin Troupe, flying trapeze, in the Big Apple Circus production of ''Metamorphosis'' (2014) 1
17:27, 13 February 2015 Anastasini Family (2014).jpg (file) 1.09 MB Giovanni, Irene, Fabio & Juliano Anastasini, diabolo act, in the Big Apple Circus production of ''Metamorphosis'' (2014) 1
17:20, 13 February 2015 Anastasini Brothers (2014).jpeg (file) 1.39 MB Fabio & Juliano Anastasini, Risley act, in the Big Apple Circus production of ''Metamorphosis'' (2014) 1
18:08, 12 February 2015 Kludsky Program Cover.jpeg (file) 566 KB Cirkus Kludsky's program cover (c.1910) 1
00:58, 12 February 2015 Rudolf Kludsky Program Cover.jpg (file) 560 KB Program cover for Cirkus Kludsky, featuring the portraits of Karel, Jr., Karel, Sr., and Rudolf Kludsky, with an illustration showing Rudolf Kludsky with his group of lions and tigers (c.1920) 1
20:05, 11 February 2015 Kludsky Postcard.jpg (file) 334 KB Circus Kludsky promotional postcard 1
22:27, 10 February 2015 Gleich Directorial Wagon (1929).jpg (file) 198 KB Julius Gleich's directorial wagon in Paris (1929) 1
22:21, 10 February 2015 Circus Gleich in Paris (1929).jpeg (file) 312 KB Circus Gleich's façade in Paris (1929) 1
20:06, 9 February 2015 Kludsky Portraits.jpg (file) 504 KB Cirkus Kludsky program cover, featuring Karel, Sr., Karel, Jr. and Rudolf Kludsky (c.1920) 1
19:11, 9 February 2015 Ludwig Swoboda and Artists.jpeg (file) 289 KB Ludwig Swoboda (in white tie and tails) among performers and employees at Circus Medrano (1935) — ''Document: Wiener Circus- und Clownarchiv — Photo X'' 1
19:03, 9 February 2015 Medrano-Swoboda 1949.jpeg (file) 263 KB Circus Medrano-Swoboda in Vienna (1949) 1
00:31, 9 February 2015 Villa Kludsky (c1925).jpeg (file) 231 KB The Villa Kludsky in Jirkov, at the time of the Kludsky ownership (c.1925) 1
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