Nanjing Acrobatic Troupe
From Circopedia
Chinese Acrobatic Theater
- Video: Nanjing Acrobatic Troupe, Bicycle Act, in the Big Apple Circus production of The Big Apple Circus Meets The Minkey King (1988)
- Video: Nanjing Acrobatic Troupe, Plate Spinning Act featuring Chen Mei Hong, in the Big Apple Circus production of The Big Apple Circus Meets The Monkey King (1988)
- Video: Yang Xiao Di and John Lepiarz, Plate and Egg Reprise, in the Big Apple Circus production of The Big Apple Circus Meets The Monkey King (1988)
- Video: The Nanjing Acrobatic Troupe, Lion Dance, in the Big Apple Circus production of The Big Apple Circus Meets the Monkey King (1988)
- Video: Qiang Jian Ping, Qian Juian Hua, and Qian Jian Wen, Juggling Act, in the Big Apple Circus production of The Big Apple Circus Meets The Monkey King (1988)