Circus Knie Setup Video (2012)

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Revision as of 17:55, 26 July 2012 by Djando (Talk | contribs)

Setup of Circus Knie in Windisch AG, Switzerland, on July 17, 2012. The setup started at 6:00 am and lasted about five hours. The main poles were erected prior to the arrival of the circus: The circus, which travels habitually every other day, uses two sets of poles, so that one can be erected ahead of time in the next town while the circus is playing in another town. The zoo is set up at the rear of the big topThe circus tent. America: The main tent of a traveling circus, where the show is performed, as opposed to the other tops. (French, Russian: Chapiteau); the elephant tent is on the right, the exotic animal tent on the left, and the horse tent, which houses about fifty boxes, is in the middle. On each side of the entrance are the bars. — Timelapse video courtesy of Hans Fischer (

Knie Setup (2012).jpg

See Also