
From Circopedia

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Suggested Reading

  • Grock, with Edvard Behrens, Grock, ich lebe gern! (München, Knorr & Hirth, 1930)
  • Grock, with Edvard Berhens, Grock, Life's a Lark! (London, William Heinemann, 1931 — Reissued by Benjamin Bloom, New York, in 1969)
  • Tristan Rémy, Les Clowns (Paris, Bernard Grasset, 1945 — Re-issued by Grasset in 2002) — ISBN 2-246-64022-9
  • Grock, Ein Leben als Clown (Düsseldorf, Verlag Zirkus Grock, 1951)
  • Grock, with Ernst Konstantin, Nit m-ö-ö-ö-glich! Die Memoiren des Königs der Clowns (Stuttgart, Mundus Verlag, 1956)
  • Grock, with Ernst Konstantin, Grock, King of Clowns (London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1957)
  • Grock, with Ernst Konstantin, Ma vie de clownGeneric term for all clowns and augustes. '''Specific:''' In Europe, the elegant, whiteface character who plays the role of the straight man to the Auguste in a clown team. (Paris, Editions Pierre Horay, 1957)
  • Laurent Diercksen, Grock, Un destin hors norme (Bévilard, Editions Laurent Diercksen, 1999) — ISBN 2-9700219-0-0
  • Raymond Naef, Grock, Eine Wiederentdeckung des Clowns (Walbern, Bentelli, 2002) — ISBN 3-7165-1301-6
  • Oliver M. Meyer, Grock — Seltsamer als die Wahrheit (Zürich, Arsedition, 2006) — ISBN 3952263818

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